21-Day Drawing Challenge

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Drawing and creativity are critical parts of human communication and personal expression, and are essential for success in every profession. Drawing is especially valuable because it improves hand-eye coordination, as well as your understanding of form and shape. It also lets you quickly communicate ideas that may be difficult to put into words. To help you hone your skills, Von Glitschka has developed the 21-Day Drawing Challenge. The goal isn't to turn you into a professional illustrator or fine artist—it's about improving your drawing skills and creative thinking, no matter if you're an expert or have never drawn more than a doodle on a notepad.

Von will assign you a drawing challenge for each day. Take the time you need to finish each challenge, and then watch the video where Von shares his own hand-drawn solution. There are no right answers here; his solutions should serve as inspiration! For more encouragement, look no further than the chapter on inspiring drawers. Each movie profiles a different artist, including people like Kate Bingaman Burt and Mattias Adolfsson. So, step up to the plate. You're just 21 days from a new creative habit. And don't forget to share your drawings via Twitter and Facebook! Use the hashtag #draw21days.


There is no cost associated with this resource.

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1 hour 56 minutes

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