HAL - Machine learning

Offered by

National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

The purpose of HAL is to enable deep learning at scale.



How to gain access:

Requesting Allocations:
– Mainly used by campus researchers for AI model training
– Special request form (https://forms.illinois.edu/sec/6587313)

– Free to allocated users

Available to:

  • Faculty and Staff
  • Grad Students
  • Undergrads


The purpose of HAL is to enable deep learning at scale.

Technical Specifications

– Hal

  • CPU:16IBMPower9nodes(2x20x16=640CPUCores)

  • GPU:4V100oneachnode;totalof64GPUs

  • Memory: 4TB aggregate, 256 GB/node

  • Interconnect: HDRInfiniBand (200Gb/s)  
  • Storage options: 336TB NVMeflash

– Hal-DGX
• NvidiaDGXA100with8A100-80GPUs


Check the resource site.

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