Endpoint Security – CrowdStrike


Complete the form at https://go.illinois.edu/EPSHelp for standard requests. Report incidents or other urgent security events by emailing security@illinois.edu.


Endpoint Security – CrowdStrike is a cybersecurity tool/solution designed to mitigate real-time cybersecurity threats and incidents, give visibility and security capability to the Cybersecurity team and CrowdStrike users; protect systems against malware, and enable institutional measurement and understanding of security conditions and events.  CrowdStrike utilizes artificial intelligence and a lightweight agent, providing visibility into the entire threat lifecycle, allowing IT and security professionals to act quickly and effectively to critical security events on Linux, Mac and Windows devices. CrowdStrike is a component integral to Endpoint Security.It exists as a fundamental part of Security's charge, obligations, provisions, and directives presented to it under the Campus Administrative Manual, “Appropriate Use of Computers and Network Systems”, and as authorized by the Chief Privacy & Security Officer.


The use of the CrowdStrike is currently provided at no charge to units for Urbana-Champaign campus endpoints. Customers employed by auxiliaries, allied agencies, and University Administration (UA) are not covered by the Urbana-Champaign campus license. These units may still participate if they wish to pay for their endpoint licensing – contact securitysupport@illinois.edu for details, or to begin the process.


More Info

To protect systems against malware and other real-time cybersecurity threats and incidents.