All research involving human subjects that is conducted at or sponsored by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, whether funded or unfunded, and whether conducted by Illinois faculty or others, must comply with applicable policies for the protection of human subjects. Under a formal assurance made by the University of Illinois and approved by the federal Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), and per federal regulations, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is given broad authority and wide-ranging responsibilities for ensuring the ethical and legal conduct of human subject research at Illinois. The IRB follows widely accepted ethical principles, legally binding federal regulations, campus policies, procedures, and practices, and other guidelines in carrying out this important responsibility.
The Urbana-Champaign Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS), while performing administrative functions of the IRB, also serves as the official oversight office for human subject research. The OPRS is the central point of contact for investigators, research subjects, and regulatory agencies. The office is responsible for organizing and documenting the IRB review process, monitoring research regulations, producing educational programs and materials for faculty and staff, and providing assurance that the Urbana campus is in compliance with federal, state, and campus policies. OPRS is part of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. The Vice Chancellor for Research is the federally authorized institutional individual charged with overseeing human subject research and IRB functions at Illinois.
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