Research Support from Engineering IT

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Engineering IT has a dedicated User Services Research Support team specifically trained and focused to provide technical support to the College of Engineering research mission. The goal of Research Support is to provide a more holistic approach to the IT needs of the entire group, while still providing technical support to individual workstations within a research group. This includes setting up modeling tools, setting up shared computational or research workstations, managing software licensing, consultation on the purchase of research computing hardware, and assistance obtaining other research-related campus services. It would also include setting up computers to connect to various devices such as custom experimental equipment, 3D printers, and cleanroom tools.Engineering research groups can benefit from IT professionals with diverse technical skills and backgrounds who can provide a full range of support needs. User Services Research IT professionals are aware of lab safety procedures and sensitivity of data when working in research environments.Engineering research groups can benefit from IT professionals with diverse technical skills and backgrounds who can provide a full range of support needs. User Services Research IT professionals are aware of lab safety procedures and sensitivity of data when working in research environments. The goal of Research Support is to provide a more holistic approach to the IT needs of the entire group, while still providing technical support to individual workstations within a research group. This includes setting up modeling tools, setting up shared computational or research workstations, managing software licensing, consultation on the purchase of research computing hardware, and assistance obtaining other research-related campus services. It would also include setting up computers to connect to various devices such as custom experimental equipment, 3D printers, and cleanroom tools.


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