Security Training & Awareness


This is an umbrella service that encompasses the areas where security interacts with people. The people side of security, if you will. Services include training, educational materials (easy guides, etc), web site, social media, and end user documentation.


No charge.


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Computer security is only as strong as its weakest link. All too often the person sitting at a computer or holding a smartphone is that weakest link. The result is a compromised device or account, lost resources or data, and reputational damage to the University. Many instances of data loss at the University haven’t been a result of hacking, but a case of information being sent somewhere unintentionally. Auto completion in the to: field of an email message might be convenient, but it also can (and has) lead to disaster. This doesn’t have to be the case. By educating campus about computer security — what is required of them, but also best practices — we better protect campus resources. We also arm our customers to protect themselves in their personal lives and with their own data.