The Earth Systems Visualization Laboratory


Contact Don Keefer


The Earth Systems Visualization laboratory at the ISGS was developed to support the integration of advanced visualization and analysis tools in earth science research. The ESVL houses a large-screen visualization room, 2 high-end computers, 18Tb of storage space, internet connectivity, and a range of software for state-of-the-art visualization and analysis of spatial data, 3-D geologic mapping, and 3-D geologic modeling. The Lab is designed to provide a collaborative space for researchers, both individuals and groups of between 2 and 15, and can accommodate the installation of additional hardware and software on request. Current scheduled services include:

Use of Vis Lab facility and resources
Remote use of 3-D visualization or mapping software
Training on use of Vis Lab facilities and software
Training on remove use of Vis Lab software
Technical support or custom programming to support use of Vis Lab resources



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