Cloud Services at Illinois

Cloud Resources for campus

What is the Cloud?

A cloud platform refers to computing hardware and operating systems located outside of a physical location (e.g., off campus), and usually at a data center managed by a third party who can cost-effectively maintain a large computing infrastructure. In other words, it allows people to use large amounts of computing power without having to purchase, host, and maintain all the required equipment to run a supercomputing system or cluster. It also grants someone the flexibility to use a particular resource while they need it, and simply stop the service when they are done.

Cloud in Research

Technology is essential to those interested in conducting research faster, more accurately, and with a bigger impact. However, the need for technical knowledge, costs, and access often act as barriers to research progress.

In an effort to heighten research capabilities and opportunity, Technology Services at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign offers three major cloud platforms for researchers (faculty, staff, and students included).

These technologies provide access to a wide-range of resources to assist with

  • computation,
  • data collection and storage,
  • website and app development,
  • and more,

in a collaborative, accessible, cost-effective, and highly-flexible environment.

It is part of an effort to establish a dedicated Cloud Center of Excellence that focuses on advancing research and innovation with cloud technologies.


3 Main Cloud Providers on Campus

Technology Services
Google Cloud Platform
Technology Services
Microsoft Azure
Technology Services
Amazon Web Services

Getting Assistance with the Cloud


Research IT and our partners are here to help guide you to the solutions that best fit your needs. There are a variety of consulting options to:

- Get you started

- Optimize your infrastructure

- Listen and Guide you to solutions to fit your specific needs


Office Hours and More

Take advantage of the support and expertise provided by our vendor partners. 


Visit for additional info.

  • Office hours are available to anyone! Meet with a member of the Cloud team and an expert from AWS. Ask questions, work through issues, optimize your system, get design guidance, or explore your ideas. AWS Office Hours Wednesdays (3-5 p.m.) and Fridays (1-3 p.m.)
  • Get help from AWS experts  All university AWS accounts have Enterprise Support. Open a case through your AWS account to get direct help from AWS experts. Open a Case with AWS

Microsoft Azure

Visit for information. And to setup an individual appointment with our Microsoft experts.

Google (GCP)

Visit for information. And to setup an individual appointment with our Microsoft experts.

Connecting with Others

Join the Cloud at Illinois Teams Channel

Engage with others using cloud services at Illinois.